Thursday, May 24

What can I saw...government employees

no offense.

I planned my first off road trip in the WUX this past weekend. I did my research, found a route fairly close to where we live, just behind Ojai, CA. I called the Ranger Station because I read you needed a pass to get onto the route. The guy at the ranger station said I could just show up at the visitor center and get a pass. SWEET! So I put the kids in the back for a nice Saturday afternoon of wheelin.

Keep in mind, "the family", consists of three females who've never been out of southern california, and think roughing it is staying at the Holiday Inn instead of The Hyatt. I came from Idaho, roughing it is having to use leaves because you forgot your "mountain money". The wife said she'd try it. The teenage daughter was forced to come "tough love", we call it. The 5 year old has no say. So I'm all excited about finally getting the WUX dirty, everyone else in the car is...let's just say...apprehensive.

We get to the said Visitor Center. The guy at the desk, who had to be as old as the hills surrounding the station proceeds to tell me, "you're not wheelin' today". Apparently, he needs a fax, from the Ranger Station with my Vehicle License, my Name...yada...."Nothing I can do? No amount of money will get me and my family in the hills?", I ask. "A million dollars won't get you on that trail", was the response.....


So I get back to the WUX and relay the bad news....Cheers erupted.....

Now, I'm really determined to change some hearts and minds.....I'll try again soon.

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